More than a century ago - in 1839 - a young American named David Haviland from New York began importing quality English porcelain, which he turned into elaborate and luxurious pieces._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_The young importer gradually expanded his business and thanks to his customers' satisfaction of owning such quality china, his inspiration and good taste helped him quickly expand his business and ascended the world stage.
A few years after the end of World War II, under the leadership of David's great-grandson, Theodore Haviland, committed to fully modernizing their largest factory_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_in Limoges, France. The new gas-powered kilns greatly improved the quality of the dishes. Electric decorative furnaces provided a uniformity of color that had never been possible before. New decorating processes made it possible to create the intricate patterns that have made Haviland world famous at a price that would otherwise be prohibitive. These improvements allowed the factory to expand beyond dinnerware, and in 1961 Haviland introduced a new line of gift products that was immediately recognized as one of the most typical on the market.
The four generations of Haviland who have guided the destinies of this world-renowned institution have one thing in common:
the highest quality, the best artistic accomplishments and creations.
You could get up close and personal with Haviland's art and transform your home into a cozy and elegant space.